Exterior photo of Shogun Maitake, Mushroom growing facility. Grey concrete sides, no windows, other than around the front door, and a garage door to the side of the front door. White flat roof.

Shogun Maitake

This project was centred around a specialized facility designed for the growth and production of maitake mushrooms, a type of gourmet mushroom found in specialty grocers and used heavily in cancer treatment research. The schedule for this project was an aggressive fast-track in order to meet the owner’s requirements. To achieve the client’s goal, michael + clark construction had to develop a phased approach to this project.

The mechanical systems involved in this project are specialized and complex due to the nature of the production requirements for the mushrooms. The building consists of structural steel framing with precast exterior cladding and the interior space is divided with insulated metal panels to create separate rooms for each stage of mushroom growth and production. 

Location: London, Ontario

Size: 14,000 sq.ft.

Market: Food & Beverage, Manufacturing & Industrial

Delivery Model: Lump Sum

The Maitake Building is a mushroom growing facility based on a traditional process imported from Japan. This process, being new to Canada, required constant collaboration between the contractor and the client. michael + clark construction had to co-ordinate machines and process imported from Japan into the building schedule. Despite the complexity, mcc rose to the occasion by completing construction on time and within the budget acceptable to the client. The onsite personnel was diligent and competent, in executing the various aspects of construction, and accommodating in their administration duties to processing the various onsite changes.

Leo Ariemma, Architect

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